Member-only story
Access a Microsoft SQL by R
I’m working in a hospital. 5 years ago, I established a monthly report based on a data export from our electronic health record (EHR). This report based on R and running on shiny gives us information about the performance of every department in our hospital. The export of the data is very time consuming, therefore I make it once per month. For better control of our performance, we needed a system which delivers data on a daily base. Therefore, we connected the EHR data to a MS SQL database. For further use of R, I established a connection to the SQL database. This task was difficult.
Load driver
First step is loading an ODBC-driver. An Instruction is available at:
The installation uses home-brew packet-manger for Mac. First, you must install home-brew if not already done.
`/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL
Then you can install the ODBC-driver:
`brew tap microsoft/mssql-release`
`brew update`
`HOMEBREW_ACCEPT_EULA=Y brew install msodbcsql18…